another great weekend with my man! Thanks James for being patient with me as I tried to learn the fine art of fishing.
Lessons learned in just one weekend:
–“hot hands” are false advertisement, it takes nearly an hour to become lukewarm hands
–“the golden rule” is actually a metal rod used to measure your fish
–nibbles and bites are NOT the same thing, you will NEVER hook a nibble, so stop trying
–spider rigging is fun, but you MUST pay attention, otherwise ONE fish can ruin a lot of rods (like eight)
–15 inches is something to brag about
–the bigger the fish the thinner the lip skin (who knows what the technical term is) therefore they will “fall off” the hook faster so you much get them OVER the boat faster
–boats don’t have brakes BUT they have reverse which works just as good
–on a windy day you can be loud cuz your obnoxious singing doesn’t carry but on still days you CANNOT belt it